Pertevniyal High School, Since 1872
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About Project
Pertevniyal High School
Topkapı Palace
Dolmabahçe Palace
Bir başkadır benim memleketim song by the students of Pertevniyal in Prizren, Kosovo
Ceddin Deden Janissary March by the students of Pertevniyal in Prizren, Kosovo
Turkish martrydoms built abroad in memory of the martyred Turkish soldiers
Hoş Gelişler ola Mustafa Kemal Paşa song by the students of Pertevniyal High School
Bir fırtına tuttu bizi song by Pertevniyal High School in memory of the martyrs of Yucel Organization
The march of Plevne by the students of Pertevniyal High School in memory of our martyrs
Hoş Gelişler ola Mustafa Kemal Paşa song by the students of Türk Dünyası Bakü Atatürk High School
Azerbaijan poem of Samed Vurgun by the student of Pertevniyal High School
Bir fırtına tuttu bizi song in memory of the martyrs of Yucel Organization
Ata Dedim poem of Suleyman Brina by the student of Pertevniyal High School
Çanakkale Türküsü in Albanian, Bosnian & Turkish by the students of Gjon Buzuku High School
Çanakkale Türküsü in Albanian by the student of Pertevniyal High School, in memory of our martyrs
Çırpınırdı Karadeniz song by the students of ADMIU Humanitar College of Azerbaijan
Yaşa benim halkım song by the students of Pertevniyal H. Sc. in memory of Haydar Aliyev
Yaşa benim halkım song by the students of Pertevniyal High School
Elden Gider: The song of Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror by the students of Pertevniyal H.S.
Aşk mıdır sinem içre gelip de: The song of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificient by Pertevniyal H.S.
Hicaz Sirto: The musical composition of Sultan Abdülaziz by Pertevniyal H.S.
Çanakkale Türküsü by Pertevniyal High School, in memory of the martyrs in Gallipoli Campaign
Bir nefes sıhhat gibi: The song of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent by the students of Pertevniyal H.S.
Anadır Arzulara Her Zaman Karabag song by the students of Pertevniyal High School
Hoş gelişler ola Mustafa Kemal Paşa song by the students of Pertevniyal High School
Promotional video of Pertevniyal High School
Promotional video of Istanbul
Pertevniyal High School
Queen Pertevniyal World Project